Rapunzel had a wonderful time assisting on pony ride rentals near the falls

Rapunzel had a wonderful time assisting on pony ride rentals in a park near the falls: Palmetto Bay: 8888 SW 136th St, Miami, FL 33176. The party was held in Coral reef park. This Picturesque park offers a streaming canal, sports fields & courts, a playground & cafe. The event went wonderfully. The pony rides were so much fun! Rapunzel was hired for 3 hours and the first hour was strictly for pony ride assistance. The next 2 hours consisted of Meet and greets, Pictures, Basic facepainting and singing. Lastly, They cut the cake and played red light green light. It was a blast!

Thank you so much for allowing us to be part of the magic!

<img class="irc_mi aligncenter" src="https://scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/95824b2560301778846f81c7bac88d4b/5C4A4534/t51.2885-15/e35/42165272_281670869337997_5829878426202890301_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTg3NjMyNzMxNDYxNzA2Njk3OA%3D%3D.2%22%20%20alt=" alt="Image result for @miamipartyprincess” width=”578″ height=”578″ />

